Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So I just went back and read my post about the wedding and decided that I did not talk nearly enough about the temple. We tried really hard to make sure that we kept our wedding day focused on the temple. We planned a simple reception and incorporated the temple by having pictures of it for the centerpiece. We know that temple cermony was by far the most important part of the day. We got to the temple at 11:00am. The temple workers were so helpful and sweet. Jenny Black (Patricia's long time family friend) helpped her to get ready. It was so nice to have her there through all the comotion. Even with all the chaos of having so many people in the temple and people telling you which way to go and what to do next there is a sweet feeling of peace and order in the temple. It is just a "busy type of order"! After Patricia was dressed she was led to a hallway with several love seats and there was Taylor waiting for her. It was so nice to be able to sit in the coriordors of the temple and talk about the sweet ceremony that was about to take place. After a while the man who was to conduct our ceremony (the sealer), came out and explained to us what was going to take place in the ceremony. We could feel of his sweet spirit while he was talking to us and we knew that he was in fact called and oradained by God to preform this sacred ordinance. We were then led to the sealing room where most of our family and friends were seated waiting for us. We were filled with an overwhelming feeling of love and support as we walked in and saw everyone there. The sealing ceremony took all of maybe 15 minutes but it was full of beautiful promises for our future together. Then we were greeted by each one of the guests individually. We went our seperate ways to change then met each other in the lobby so we could walk out together. We walked out and were greeted by all of our friends and family! We spent the next half hour in the hot sun doing photos! It was good although I am sure we are all making funny faces from the bright sun in most of the pictures!! We are so happy to have had the privilige to be sealed to one another for time and for all of eternity! What a special blessing we have! More pictures are on the way....

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! The people in the background of your pictures coming out of the temple are my friends that got married the same day as you! (The Lamb Family)! What a coincidence! You two look so incredibly happy! I can't wait for our day! Congrats again!
